REVA token utility

  • DAO voting rights -The first utility of the REVA token is voting rights. As mentioned, is a DAO, meaning it is governed by the community. By staking REVA tokens, vREVA (voting REVA) tokens, bearing voting rights, are being minted.

  • Protocol profit sharing - The second utility of the REVA token is protocol profit sharing eligibility. As for now, 1% of the profits of the protocol are distributed between the vREVA holders, The profit sharing model can be altered via DAO proposal.

    Profit sharing example:

    1. REVA PRICE: $60

    2. User invested 100,000 BUSD

    3. User earned 10,000 BUSD and 100 REVA

    4. User claim profits:

      1. 3,000 out of the 10,000 BUSD will be used to buy 50 REVA

      2. The total profits will be 7,000 BUSD and 150 REVA

      3. 1% of the profits, meaning 1.17 REVA (70 BUSD) + 1.5 REVA or 2.67 REVA in total, will be distributed between all REVA stakers.

  • Unlocking protocol features - The third utility is a set of protocol features that will be unlocked:

    1. TVL rewards eligibility & boost

    2. On chain yield analysis

    3. Cross chain rebalancing

    4. TBD - more and more utility will be added to the REVA token as the protocol evolves

  • Unlocking platform features - The fourth utility is a set of platform features that will be unlocked:

    1. Risk analysis (

    2. Auto rebalancing (via orbs open defi notifications)

    3. withdrawif - Withdraw if certain conditions are met (execution on top of Orbs open DeFi notifications)

    4. Portfolio management (smart ETF, exposure rebalance, stop-loss)

    5. TBD - more and more utility will be added to the REVA token as the platform evolves

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